Tag Archives: Noel Tock

WCEU 2014 Speakers: Noel Tock

Howdy, WordCampers!

Meet our next speaker – designer, product manager and world traveller Noel Tock.

Noel is a Swiss nomad wandering the globe. He’s one of the owners at Human Made, a WordPress.com VIP partner, where he heads up Product Development. If he’s not working on product design, he’s having a gin and tonic. Or more recently, both.

After his talk Less is more: The Journey of Happytables as a WordPress Saas at last year’s WordCamp Europe, Noel is coming to Sofia to share some of his insights on productivity, improving yourself within the WordPress industry and working on things you enjoy.

This talk will be a practical guide to doing more with WordPress; developing yourself to work on things that matter, getting in the habit of shipping and finally contributing back to this great open source project. I chose this area because I’d like to see freelancers/agencies in Europe do more with WordPress.

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